This is the final product of
our 2nd project called
It is about finding out if the saying "Unity makes streght" is right or wrong.
Let's do a COAT OF ARMS
1. What is a Coat of Arms?
2. Description of COAT OF ARMS.
According to makeyourcoatofarms.com a Coat of Arms is a symbol of a family's IDENTITY and values. Originally it was used to identify warriors dressed in armor. Each knight chose symbols and colors to represent his family or clan. These family coats of arms have been passed down throughout generations.
3. Get your group together and make your own personal group coat of arms based on the VALUES and PRINCIPLES important to you now and for years to come.
4. Visit the web Family Crest and Coat of Arms Template Maker/Generator and create your personal Coat of Arms.
Follow the steps below:
1. Enter the NAME OF THE GROUP.
2. Enter your MOTTO.
3. Select a BACKGROUND for your coat of arms.
4. Choose your coat's FIRST COLOUR based on the group characteristics offered.
5. Choose your coat's SECOND COLOUR based on the group characteristics offered.
6. Choose a shield based on the group characteristics offered.
7. Choose an ICON based on the group characteristics offered.
8. Click on your mouse to save your new group coat of arms!
5. Send your coat of arms to your teacher's email: gsalvia@terresdeponent.cat
But you also did the handmade version of your Coat of Arms, didn't you?
You did a great job, class! Congrats! Loved your mottos dearly!